Right View requires practice. So let’s practice to make it
our pattern.
So from the above situation - “My friend is not speaking to me” is
· Initially brain categorizes or labels it as “negative
and bad” with all imaginary reasons with all
al the negative emotions-sad,
guilty, feeling low, nervous,fear of loss, anger etc.
· It immediately tries to fix it in any way possible- like I will cry/ I will spread bad about that friend/ I
wi throw
insults to friend etc.
Now let me practice FOCUS:
Pay attention to all the drama unfolding in
the brain and
NOW, I stop before giving immediate reaction and
say “ I ACCEPT, my friend is not speaking to me”.
Brain starts judging acceptance as its confused for the reason the situation is categorized as negative but accepted.
Once accepting the situation we realize there might be other side to the story and start analyzing the situation and finding out the real thoughts.
Now my brain becomes curious and starts
observing the situation in depth.
As I accept the situation wholly, I embrace
and acknowledge it as mine.
By this time, the strength of my emotion is reduced and this makes my brain to open for new learning.
I start viewing the situation in new light.
This gives me the opportunity to see the situation in depth
and respond with discretion rather than react with strong emotion.