Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Right view- example 1


Right View requires practice. So let’s practice to make it our pattern.

In a college there were two very good  friends,then one day one of the girl starts acting weird like she goes and sits with other people in the class and she drops out from the project which these two were a part of and she stops taking her calls and avoids her and finally stops talking to her.So the other girl does not understand what's going on and she feels very low and not herself.



So from the above situation - “My friend is not speaking to me” is an“OBJECT”



·         Initially brain categorizes or labels it as “negative and bad” with all imaginary reasons with all

 al  the negative emotions-sad, guilty, feeling low, nervous,fear of loss, anger etc.

·     It immediately tries to fix it in any way possible- like I will cry/ I will spread bad about that friend/ I 

wi throw insults to friend etc.

        Now let me practice FOCUS:

·                     Pay attention to all the drama unfolding in the brain  and

·                     NOW, I stop before giving immediate reaction and say “ I ACCEPT, my friend is not speaking to           me”.


Brain starts judging acceptance as its confused for the reason the situation is categorized as negative but accepted.

Once accepting the situation we realize there might be other side to the story and start  analyzing the situation and finding out the real thoughts.

Here we  say, “I ACCEPT that my friend is not speaking to me with both its negative and positive aspects”.

Now my brain becomes curious and starts observing the situation in depth.



As I accept the situation wholly, I embrace and acknowledge it as mine.

 By this time, the strength of my emotion is reduced and this makes my brain to open for new learning. 



I start viewing the situation in new light.

This gives me the opportunity to see the situation in depth and respond with discretion rather than react with strong emotion.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Right View


Are we having a RIGHT View….????

In our day to day life we come across many situations/emotions which we deal and among them few might make us happy and relaxed on the other hand few might make us worried and unpleasant.

How many of us wait for a second and think how to  deal with the situation either pleasant or unpleasant ??

How can we get a right view of the situations and emotions we go through?

      Getting  right prospective is not difficult when one masters  a technique of right observation.

      By trying to master this technique we lead our self's into a better life.

      Mastering this requires simple 5 steps:

1.      Identify

2.      Focus

3.      Accept

4.      Acknowledge

5.      Re- view

·         Identify: To start with select a situation/emotion from your daily life which you would like change or make better.

                                               That becomes your “OBJECT”.

·         FOCUS: Focus on the “object” by separating it from ourselves-without labeling it or being biased.

·         ACCEPT: Accept the “object "with all POSITIVE and NEGATIVE aspects without any judgement.

·         Acknowledge:       Acknowledge the “object” as yours.

·         Re-view: Now observe the “object with fresh prospective.

To be continued with EXAMPLES...

Please raise situations/ emotions examples in comment box